1. Actions
Falta definir els métodes de la classe actual. Cal fer un wrapper per a que una classe que assumisca una cride d'una altra i que herede de BaseExecute!!!!!
An action consists of executing a method from a class. The actions can be defined in menus and forms:
- Actions that are executed in a "MenuItem" of type "action" ("command" and "1" are synonymous). Only one action per "MenuItem" is allowed
- Actions that are executed inside a form (represented by a class) in a "MenuItem" of type "form" (take into account that there are several types of forms: default(2), custom(3) and yaml (4)
An action is defined by:
- The class that contains the method to execute
- The method to execute
- The parameters that accept the class. That can be fixed and/or asked by means of a form
- The type of action: the possible values are: inner: In this case the class to execute is in the same Vaadin module, shell: In this case a call to a shell script in the property "execution.folder" of the property file "app.properties", socket: This is very important as delegates the execution to another server by means of sending messages through sockets, avoiding java RMI
- Optional information: role group that is allowed to execute the program, icon to show, ask for confirmation, char to show in combo in grid form, if need a record id to operate,
2. Defining the actions
Here is a snippet of YAML code defining both types of actions $$$
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 | menuItems: [ #1. MenuItem with an action of type socket (executed in another server (action: socket type)) { description: firstcontrolloadyaml_control, className: openadmin.actions.SocketActions, icon: fa-upload, type: action, defaultActions: false, actions: [ { name: dataLoad, type: socket, method: execute, fixParams: '[STRING:JAVA_PATH -jar JARS_FOLDER/IF/MiJar.jar FIRSTCONTROLLOAD]', roleGroup: gadmin, icon: fa-upload, executedInGrid: false, needId: false } ] }, #2. MenuItem with an action of type inner (executed in a class included in the "war" file (action: inner type)) { className: openadmin.actions.u.request.MetadataLoader, icon: fa-upload, type: action, defaultActions: false, actions: [ { name: dataLoad, method: dataLoad, fixParams: '[DAO-METADATA]', roleGroup: gadmin, icon: fa-upload, executedInGrid: false, needId: false } ] }, #3. A form of type custom that shows the "users" and has som actions { className: openadmin.model.control.User, description: User_Custom, icon: fa-user, combo: false, type: custom, actions: [ #3.1 Action in the form that calls a java program in another server (action: socket type) { name: getFactures, confirm: false, idChar: E, type: socket, method: execute, fixParams: '[STRING:JAVA_PATH -jar JARS_FOLDER/IF/MiJar.jar AYTOSOPERATION]', formParams: '{name: s_n, type: STRING, length: 1, value: S, required: true }', roleGroup: gnew, icon: fa-file-invoice-dollar, executedInGrid: false, needId: false } , #3.2 Example where the class of the action is a shell script executed in the same server (action: shell type) { name: dni, confirm: false, idChar: 7, method: verifyDNI, roleGroup: gadmin, type: shell, icon: fa-id-card, fixParams: '[STRING:bshComprobaciones.sh];[ID];[STRING:verifyDNI]' } , #3.3 Example where the class of the action is the same class (action: inner type) { name: kkerr, confirm: false, idChar: 8, type: inner, method: kk1, fixParams: '[ID]', roleGroup: gadmin, icon: fa-cloud-showers-heavy }, #3.4 Action in the form that calls a shell script in another server (action: socket type) { name: prova, confirm: true, idChar: C, type: socket, executedInGrid: false, fixParams: '[STRING:SHELL_PATH/shProva01.sh]', roleGroup: gadmin, icon: fa-beer } ] } ] |
Line 14 defines a "menuitem" that is of type action, so it has only one action of type inner
Line 26 defines a form with 4 actions of different types Socket (external java program execution), shell (in the same server), inner with a method of the "entity class" and another Socket (external shell script in another server)
Here are some important parameters:
- className: The class that owns the method to execute, by default is the class shown in the form
- method: the name of method of the class to execute. By default is the "execute"
- name: The name that will be shown to the user and will be converted to i18n (internationalization)
- roleGroup: the authorized group top execute the method
- idChar: The char to show in the group of actions (in the combo) to be executed in a form. It must be set when the actions are executed from a form. Each action should have a unique "idChar"
- icon: The name of the "font-awesome icon" to show.
- needId: If the action is executed on one record (that is identified by its Id). The Id is supplied by the current record.
- executedInGrid: If this action can be executed in a record of the grid and showed in the combo of options
- confirm: If ask for confirmation of the user before executing the action.
3. The fixParams parameter
This parameter is important as it has a peculiar format. It is a list of constant parameters. Every parameter must be between "square brackets" "[ ]" and separated by a colon ";"
Here is an example:
fixParams: '[DAO-H2];[ID];[INT:2];[LONG:9];[STRING:cat];[SERVER:0]', |
- DAO-H2 is the DAO Object form the H2 database, there ara also other DAOs to other persistence units.
- ID is the id of the Base Object
- INT:2 is the integer value "2"
- LONG:9 is the long value "9"
- STRING:cat is the String value "cat"
- SERVER:0 returns the server + ":" + port for specifiying a socket to a server to pass messages.
Al all these parameters are stored in a List
4. The formParams parameter
This parameter is important as it has a peculiar format. It is a list of parameters that will be required within a form to the user.
Each parameter is defined between brackets "{ }" and forms a YAML structure.
formParams: '{name: year, type: INT, length: 4, value: $YEAR, required: true }, {name: registro, type: INT, length: 6, value: 0, required: true }',
The labels of the parameters are:
- name: name of the parameter
- type: INT, LONG, STRING ...
- length: max number of chars of the parameter
- required; true of false
- value: default value. It can be:
- $YEAR : Actual year
- $YEAR_PREVIUOS_MONTH: Year of the previous month
- $MONTH: Actual month (1 to 12)
- $PREVIOUS_MONTH: The previous month (1 to 12)
- A constant
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